Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hot Rods in California

In August, our visitor marathon started and we first welcomed Michael and Ewa, good friends from my hometown Koblenz in Germany. We were very excited to have them here, both had never been to the U.S. before. Of course there is so much to see around here, and I was happy to learn that just one of the weekends that they were in town, happened to be the weekend of the Hot Rods in Pleasanton. Michael is a car freak, so what better place to be for him? It was a very hot weekend, but the trip to Pleasanton did not disappoint us. What beautiful cars....

As if the Hot Rod Show wasn't enough introduction to the American past and present, we stopped for a really nice. yammy BBQ at our friends' Shannon and Brian's house. What was so special about the BBQ? Well, we introduced Micha and Ewa to our new favorite BBQ game of horseshoes and had a phantastic evening.