Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Mountain Hike

yes, another first, this time the first mountain hike with Anouk. We took her to Desolation Wilderness in Lake Tahoe 2 weeks ago; the drive there was rather long, with breaks for feeding and picking up food for the trail. Anouk started crying right before we got to the trailhead, and we had to feed her 10 minutes into the hike. It had been so long since we were in the mountains, we forgot about the darn mosquitos, and as soon as we sat down, they were feasting on us (especially Sabine). So we moved away from the creek and sat near a nice big tree to feed Anouk and ourselves:

2 minutes later, we came to the waterfalls and enjoyed them before we headed on towards Grass Lake.

We had to cross a creek with fairly high water due to the season, but both Anouk and I as well as my mom did fine. We passed some pretty ponds on the way up.

Shortly after the intersection to Grass Lake, we came upon a creek crossing that seemed too dangerous for my mom and me carrying Anouk, so we decided to stop and enjoy the view. After some snacks, we also had to do another first: change Anouk's diaper in the mountains:

Very happy with our achievement, we hiked back down to the trailhead, and took one last picture of the beautiful setting before heading to get a nice cup of coffee at Alpen Sierra.

We checked in at our condo, which turned out to be a timeshare, and we just made it in time after dinner to watch the sun set at Lake Tahoe, which was very pretty: