Monday, June 7, 2010

Sea otters and seals

We went to Point Lobos yesterday to see some marine wildlife. It was a gorgeous day, we have never seen this park south of Carmel with sunshine. Here are some highlights, the coast is magnificent, very wild and full of animals.

We had lunch on the gravel beach, and were very close to some seals chilling on the rocks nearby:

Along the trail, we came across the local hangout for the sea otters. They were cuddling in a large group hiding in the kelp, cleaning and eating, they are extremely cute with their round faces.

On a secluded beach, we noticed a bunch of seals enjoying the sun:

After the hike, we went to the beach in Carmel to play in the white sands and stare at all the mansions lined up on the coast. Anouk enjoyed the sand.